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International Board of Safety Professionals

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Lockout Tagout Specialist (LTS)

Details About Lockout Tagout Specialist (LTS)

The Lockout Tagout Specialist (LTS) course is a comprehensive program designed to provide individuals with advanced expertise in lockout tagout procedures, energy control, and hazardous energy source management. This course covers a wide range of topics related to isolating energy sources, ensuring equipment safety, and preventing hazardous energy-related accidents. Participants will gain in-depth knowledge and practical skills needed to develop and implement effective lockout tagout programs, making them specialists in safeguarding against energy-related incidents.

This course is essential for individuals responsible for lockout tagout procedures, energy control, and hazardous energy source management, including:

The course may include assignments, practical lockout tagout assessments, program development projects, LOTO procedure reviews, and examinations to evaluate participants’ understanding and application of advanced LOTO concepts.

The LTS course typically spans four to six weeks, allowing participants to thoroughly study and apply advanced lockout tagout principles and practices.