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International Board of Safety Professionals

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Process Safety Management (PSM) Specialist

Details about Process Safety Management (PSM) Specialist

The Process Safety Management (PSM) Specialist course is a comprehensive program designed to equip professionals with the expertise needed to manage and oversee process safety within high-risk industries. This extensive training covers a wide spectrum of topics related to process safety, risk assessment, and hazard mitigation. Participants will gain in-depth knowledge and practical skills required to excel in roles involving the safety of complex industrial processes.

The PSM Specialist course is ideal for individuals responsible for process safety within various industries, including but not limited to:

Assessment methods include written exams, practical process safety assessments, case studies, and a comprehensive project, ensuring participants’ competence in process safety management

The PSM Specialist course typically spans three to four to six weeks, providing participants with an in-depth understanding of process safety management and practices.